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Remove spouse;s name from title of home

Posted on: 23rd Oct, 2009 08:10 am
My husband is in a nursing home with Alzheimer;s. I would like to sell our home and buy a smaller house or check into assisted living for me. I have been advised that I need to get his name off the title or half of the money I sold the house for would go to him. If that is true, I can't afford to sell and buy another house.
How do I get his name off of the title? We live in Texas and Texas is a community property state.
you cna doa quit claim deed and you shoudl be able to remove hhis name

make sure to notorize it and record it in the county office
Posted on: 23rd Oct, 2009 10:53 am
Hi Gruthevans,

Your husband will have to sign an interspousal transfer deed in your favor. This will help him in removing his name from the property deed. Also, it may not be considered a community property. If the doctors have not declared him ineligible for signing a document, then you can go ahead with the deed. Or else, you can contact an attorney and take his opinion in this regard.

Posted on: 23rd Oct, 2009 11:07 pm
Use a Durable Power of Attorney to accomplish the goal. I'm assuming you have one due to his condition.
Posted on: 24th Oct, 2009 11:44 am
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