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Is a Sample quit claim deed available here?

Posted on: 12th Mar, 2007 05:16 am

i need a quit claim deed form. please help
Hi Kaye!

Welcome to forums!

You cannot reverse the quit claim deed back in your name. You'll have to ask the grantee (the person to whom you've transferred the property) to sign the quit claim deed and transfer the property in your name. You can check out the sample quit claim deed forms available online from the given page:

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 24th Jan, 2010 09:38 pm
My siblings and I are gifting our property to one of our brothers how should it be worded if it is a gift?
Posted on: 23rd Apr, 2010 10:37 pm
Welcome Helen,

You can contact an attorney and get a deed drafted from him. He will help you in drafting the gift deed in a proper way.
Posted on: 25th Apr, 2010 10:11 pm
What is the language I put in a Quick Claim Deed stating Life Estate in the Deed?
Posted on: 01st Jun, 2010 11:31 am
Hi Jennifer,

I would suggest you to get in touch with your real estate attorney and he will help you in drafting the deed with a life estate clause mentioned in it.

Posted on: 01st Jun, 2010 10:21 pm
We live in canada, timeshare in Florida, how will a quit claim work
Posted on: 11th Jul, 2010 07:45 am
Welcome travgal,

Your query has been replied to in the given page:

Take a look at it. Hope it helps you.
Posted on: 12th Jul, 2010 12:06 am
we are buying sibblings out of thier share of house, bank says we need quick claim deed before the closing they need ot have thier names off of deed. they won't sign thinking they will not get thiier share. Is there some hting you can add to ensure they get hier money
Posted on: 28th Aug, 2010 02:28 pm
Hi rivera,

Your query has been replied to in the give page:

Take a look at it. Hope it helps you.

Posted on: 29th Aug, 2010 10:36 pm
can i get a quit claim form from my lawyer to get the deeds on to my sole name without taking out another morgage we are at court for a settlement so i can take a loan out
Posted on: 23rd Jan, 2011 11:25 am
can a quit claim deeeds be done in scotland
Posted on: 23rd Jan, 2011 11:34 am
Posted on: 24th Jan, 2011 09:21 pm
My spouse deceased Dec 2010 instestate. On my part can I add my children to a special warranty gift deed or quitclaim deed on a existing deed?
Posted on: 10th Feb, 2011 06:32 am
Also, I would like to know since I have never made a Will. Does a Will override or void any previous gift deed I created? I was told that any new Deed of any type voids the previous deed recorded. On a POA please confirm does it only allow you to manage the individual personal transcations and not award yourself with a special warranty gift deed to the deed of the individual home? What can you do to remove it invalidated? I need a Pro Bono attorney in Texas.
Posted on: 10th Feb, 2011 07:05 am
Hi Allison!

Welcome to forums!

If your name is mentioned on the property deed, then you can add your children to the deed with the help of special warranty gift deed or quitclaim deed. You can remove your deceased husband from the deed with the help of an affidavit of heirship. You can contact an attorney and he will be able to help you in this matter.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 10th Feb, 2011 10:04 pm
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