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County Clerk or Recorder

Posted on: 07th Apr, 2004 11:50 pm
County Clerk or Recorder is a public official, usually at the county level, who keeps and maintains records of real estate in a specific geographic area. He is also known as a County Recorder.

For example, Kris is appointed by the government to look, manage and maintain the records of real estate, i.e. who owns it, the date of ownership, price of it, etc, of Diamond Street in San Francisco.

The 509.093 Standards passed by the 1996 Legislature are imposed on the documents to be recorded with the recorder:
  • The document shall consist of one or more individual sheets of size 8.5 inches by 14 inches.

  • The document can be printed, typewritten, or computer generated.

  • The document shall be on white paper of not less than 20 pound weight and have a clear border of approximately one-half inch on the top, bottom, and each side.

  • The top of the first page of the document shall contain a blank space measuring 3 inches. The right half of the page should be used by the county recorder for recording information.

  • The title should be prominently displayed on the first page below the blank space.
Welcome guest,

If you are transferring property to someone, you should be on the title to begin with. If you own interest in property, only then can you transfer, isn't it?
Posted on: 14th Jan, 2008 10:13 pm
"if someone gets legall guardianship and conservator over a person can this undo a quit claim deed?"

i don't think it can undo the quitclaim but please give some more details or else what you're saying itsn't very clear.
Posted on: 14th Jan, 2008 10:16 pm
Hi Guest,

The person you are quit claiming the home to would not already be on the deed because if they were there would be no reason to add them on. What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to add someone to the deed? Take someone off? Take yourself off? I will be able to advise more acurately with this information.
Posted on: 24th Jan, 2008 10:58 pm
Does both signatures have to be on a quitclaim deed that is being transferred to LLC only in one name? (both names are on the quit claim deed). If not do I still have my property rights since i did not sign it?
Posted on: 12th Mar, 2008 05:26 am
Hi Guest,

Welcome to the foum.

Is it that you are a co-owner of a property and you have not signed the quitclaim deed as a grantor but the other co-owner has signed the quitclaim deed and transferred his share of the property to a LLC. If so then as you have not signed the quitclaim deed as a grantor, I think you should have your share of the property.

I think it will be better to talk with an attorney in this issue.

Have the other owner informed you when he has quitclaimed the property to the LLC?

Best of luck,
Posted on: 12th Mar, 2008 03:16 pm
i want to sign my home over to my children ,, i do not want my name on the deed, i still have a mortgage on the home,, can i still sign the home over,, thank you
Posted on: 05th Feb, 2009 06:02 am
Hi mitch

You can, no doubt, sign your home over to your children. All you need to do is to sign a quitclaim deed that will transfer your share of interest in the property to your children. You just have to prepare a quitclaim deed, preferably, with the help of an attorney, sign it in the presence of a notary, get it signed and stamped by the notary and record it in the county recorders office. However, since you have a mortgage on the home, you might have to take a permission from your lender.
Posted on: 06th Feb, 2009 04:22 am
I am planning a divorce. My husband says he will take the truck, camper and leave me the property. Can I get quit claim deeds and legally transfer all we agree on and just file them in the court and he or myself if off the property we quit claimed.
Posted on: 09th Mar, 2009 07:40 am
i didnt qualify for a home loan and had to add my mother to the loan and she is also on the deed however; she has never lived in the house and i have made the mortage payments myself for 13 years. she has filed for chapter 13 bankruptcy and has alot of debt. can i have her removed from the deed so her creditor cannot put a lien on the house.
so a lien cannot be p
Posted on: 29th Sep, 2009 09:41 am
im on the propery me and my dad own. and i want to take my name off, and put my mothers how do i do this??
Posted on: 05th Feb, 2010 05:51 pm
You will have to sign a quit claim deed in your mother's favor and add her name to the property deed. This will help you in removing your name from the deed as well.
Posted on: 08th Feb, 2010 03:17 am
When transferring rights from a married couple to just one spouse do both names need to be listed as the Grantors?
Posted on: 30th Jun, 2010 09:56 am
my hudband quit claim the deed to me , I am his wife he had it notarize
and witness signed, it has been record in the court record. does this mean that his name is no longer on the deed?
Posted on: 14th Sep, 2010 12:30 pm
Hi sheba,

If your husband has transferred the property solely to you, then his name won't remain on the property deed and you would be the sole owner. However, if he has just added your name to deed along with his name, then your husband's name will remain on the property deed.


Posted on: 15th Sep, 2010 02:32 am
I was divorced 4 yrs. ago and let my ex have the house unfortunately I did not list the physical address in the divorce papers so the mortgage company would not remove my name, they said I need to file a quit claim deed, can I do myself? I live in Texas, really want my name off the mortgage as my ex is not making payments on time and is ruining my credit!
Posted on: 15th Dec, 2010 07:11 am
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