Hi Susan. Thanks for the quic
Hi Susan. Thanks for the quic
Hi Susan. Thanks for the quick response. I am the one who ask you about lieu of deed last night. How to deal with our second mortgage. I am also disabled. I do have my retirement monies which I am saving for when I have surgery. It is !0000. The second is in my husbands name only. Should I move that to my own account? I am not sure if we need a lawyer. I am so anxious. We thought this was covered in our bankruptcy two years ago. We moved out like our lawyer told us to, then we never heard of this company till we were coing the lieu of deed. Please help
1 Answers
Hi Guest,
If you wish, you can transfer the monies in your name. That won't be a problem in my opinion. Consulting a lawyer will be definitely a good idea. He/she will definitely help you know the pros and cons of your decision and help you take the right step.