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Company Loan Type APR Est. Pmt.

cash out refinance

cash out refinance

Loan to value 64.5%
Appraisal came in at 325,000
Current left on mortgage 209,000
Credit score 643
Cash out 25,000
Rate 4.5

I'm currently locked in at 4.125 but the potential lender Loan Depot is stating the appraisal needed to come in at 391,700 in order to get the 4.125 rate based on Fannie Mae based loan. Is that true or are they messing with me.

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1 Answers

They could be but lets take a look at the percentages (Ill round them off to keep it simple since I dont know your exact loan amount) Using what you gave - 209 + 25 - 235 - 235 / 325  = 72% 235 '/  391700 = 60   At 60% you would get a better rate than at 70 or higher but thats seems like a big jump Your score is on the lower side so I am kind of surprised that they had offered you such a good rate - the 4.125% seems kind of low for the score with a cash out refi They may have made a mistake and are now covering their tail but there is no way to know that -  most banks wont do a conventional cash out refi with scores that low - I ran the scenario on our pricing maching using 9 different banks and none came back with pricing - so they dont allow it - they did come back with fha at a lower rate - but that always has MIP now so it isnt attractive unless there is no other option -  Good Luck - if they can make it happen I would take the 4.5% and run Brian Barnes Mortgages in all 50 States    

brian1 | Asked on 2015-09-17

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