
Web applications are responsible

The omnipresence over the clients , functionality has lead to the popularity of the web applications. The technique to upgrade & inform the users about the different web applications without sharing them across the client computers is a vital factor that contributes towards their popularity. Web applications are used to implement E-mails, online shopping, online auction, wikis, web forums, blogs and many other different functions.

Oops!! so simple

Just few days back I got a mail from one of the guest member in MortgageFit Community. She has written a vast mail to me. She has reviewed some of the web tools of Mortgagefit. She was very happy with the service of these tools. She also gave us a good feedback on, for that we can also improve our service best in the industry.

At last she has written "Oops!! so simple"

A 5 line of syndication code can also sound Oops!!!!

What exactly Web Syndication is?

We all heard about syndication. But what exactly Web Syndication is?

"Web syndication" is a sort of advertising in which a segment of your website is available for other sites to use. This can be done by certifying the content of your website so that others can use it easily. Essentially web syndication is to make web feeds that would be obtainable from a site. This would serve as a purpose to offer people with a summary of the newly updated content of that website.

Complain Center and Story Section

I am updating it after such a long time.

I have been too busy with other development work with my R& D Team. In the next few months our community can expect few good components getting added into our website.

Complain Center

This what a community will like it very much. Through complain center person can file a complain against a lender or a broker infront of a community. This will allow the user to put his voice to the world and other will also learn about it. Through this community can create an awareness to fight against frauds and scams.

What's Next

  • Improvised Lenders Directory

We giving a new look to our lenders directory and this time with some additional features to it. Our new directory will be more flexible and user friendly. We are also planning to add some additional features for our lenders like personal forums, tools where they can manage their feeds and many more. On their details, I will post it later.

What's On

Country Specific Sites

We are also launching MortgageFit to 2 others countries (UK and Canada). Our plan is to spread our services across the globe so that people can take benefit of our community services. We have given separate sub domains to all the countries and soon we will see MortgageFit giving services in all the countries.

Our Recent Changes

Recent Launches

  • Blogs

MortgageFit has launched its own blog for its community members. You can develop your blog just the way you like it. Our blogs can be used as personal diaries and most important is they don't have to go anywhere if they are interested in making blogs.

  • Wiki

It's a user friendly system through which you can expand your knowledge on a particular topic of interest. You can write as well as edit the existing content in our wiki.

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