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Buying a new home as an amateur home-buyer is not an easy job. You will face many difficulties during home selection process, arranging funds, dealing with banks & many other post buying problems. As a new home buyer, you have learned several important lessons through live scenarios. You can find other useful resources through online contents & newsletters. In this discussion, I am going to address some unique tips which home-buyers normally forget or avoid.


In today's housing market, many families are purchasing their dream home by direct hard cash payment. Buying a big home in cash is quite a bold step couples are willing to take now, after seeing the mortgage industry's current fall. Recent stats reveal that in last two years (2012-2013), California has witnessed 7500 cash home purchases. Significantly, only 10% of them have refinanced their property. According to RealtyTrac , 39 to 40 % of US homes were purchased in cash till the 2nd qtr of 2014.


Relationship experts have vivid opinion about the concept of “Mortgage before marriage”. But despite of other financial hardships, many un-married couples are getting attracted to the idea of purchasing their dream home way before doing any market research. It is necessary to judge the current mortgage market & also their capability to carry out the mortgage. It is advised by many financial experts that before taking the sacred oath of marriage, couples should develop a future financial strategy. It would help them to make a proportionate division between income & mortgage payment.


Home buyers & sellers, these two communities are the pillars of a successful housing & real estate market. There is a very thin line between the mindset of both parties. In a delicate process of home-buying, few bad moves & misunderstanding can trigger the cancellation of the deal. Often some home-buyers or sellers deliberately try to instigate the other one. The reason may be related to the interior of the house, may be due to increasing demand of the homes, multiple lucrative offer or home price drop.


In today's financial complexities, most of the senior Americans face complications when they retire. One recent statistics revealed, one-third of retired people are living on Social Security income. There is another source of income which helps some of the fortunate people with self-owned home. It is noted as reverse mortgage & works as a additional income source along with social security & other income sources.


Buying a dream home is one of the crucial events which might happen to your life. The purchase offer for a house is more like a marriage proposal. The answer might be no, or yes. In both cases you need to be focus on how you can move forward with a positive approach to the seller. You must give your full effort to convince the seller in order to get your job done. Here goes some rules which might be helpful for you to get a clean-chit from the seller.


In most of the cases, homeowners worry if they’ll be able to get a mortgage after short sale. This is because after short sale, their credit is hurt and it lowers the credit score. With low credit score, it becomes hard for homeowners to obtain a new mortgage. Now, short sale occurs when the lender agrees to the pay off of the loan for much less than what is owed. However, it is not that all lenders agree to go for a short sale agreement. Though short sale does hurt one’s credit, it is still possible to qualify for a new mortgage after a couple of years.

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